Fundraising faces changing times just like every other industry. How do we learn the newest trends and tips and keep them balanced with our ethical standards? Let's learn together.
Philanthropy heals. Not just by supporting nonprofits working to heal people recovering from a physical or mental setback, the loss of a loved one, abuse, or any other form of past or present trauma. Philanthropy actually heals the philanthropist. This truth was revealed to me at a conference for healthcare development professionals that I attended […] Plourde Plourde2024-08-05 17:51:472024-08-05 17:51:47Unlock the Love
Like death and taxes, volunteers and fundraising are among life’s inseparables. Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many development shops flounder because they’ve recruited the wrong volunteers and spend too much time catering to their needs, following up on their half-baked ideas or generating mountains of reports that they will never. Or they’ve recruited the right volunteers […] Plourde Plourde2021-07-08 19:24:592021-07-15 22:56:52Volunteers: Love ’em or lose ’em
In working with non-profits who are in campaign mode, the only thing that causes more angst than whether they will reach their goal is “when to go public.” “Going public” is a function of both the calendar and the campaign thermometer. And it is different for everyone. Here are a few observations to consider in […]
Unlock the Love
/in Education, Finding Funding Book /by James PlourdePhilanthropy heals. Not just by supporting nonprofits working to heal people recovering from a physical or mental setback, the loss of a loved one, abuse, or any other form of past or present trauma. Philanthropy actually heals the philanthropist. This truth was revealed to me at a conference for healthcare development professionals that I attended […]
Volunteers: Love ’em or lose ’em
/in Fundraising /by James PlourdeLike death and taxes, volunteers and fundraising are among life’s inseparables. Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many development shops flounder because they’ve recruited the wrong volunteers and spend too much time catering to their needs, following up on their half-baked ideas or generating mountains of reports that they will never. Or they’ve recruited the right volunteers […]
Campaigns: Public, Quiet, Silent? What’s the difference?
/in Campaign Planning, Fundraising /by James PlourdeIn working with non-profits who are in campaign mode, the only thing that causes more angst than whether they will reach their goal is “when to go public.” “Going public” is a function of both the calendar and the campaign thermometer. And it is different for everyone. Here are a few observations to consider in […]