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Board Giving

Boards don’t give money to the non-profit organizations they govern. Individuals who serve on boards do. Why the distinction? Because it creates the correct paradigm for how development professionals should be approaching their board members for philanthropic support and measuring outcomes. If I ruled the non-profit universe, I would ban the term “board giving” from […]

Kill Your Darlings

Kill your darlings Anyone who’s been to journalism school knows the phrase “kill your darlings.” It means editing out the words and phrases that you’ve fallen in love with that drag down the clarity and power of your story. In fundraising, we would do well with an annual review with staff and key volunteers titled […]

Data-Driven Campaign Planning

A new, data-driven approach to campaign planning The time-honored campaign feasibility study is designed to help nonprofits test whether their aspirations and campaign dollar goal are achievable. Done well, it is in effect the “soft launch” of a campaign and sets you up for success. But the process most consultants use in executing the study […]

Righteous Indignation

The glow of righteous indignation In a way, it was so darn satisfying: the wave of condemnation heaped upon those Seattle-area hospital systems for allowing large donors to jump to the front of the Covid vaccination line as way of thanking them for their past support. As a fundraiser who has made his share of […]